The “Lupin” series, worn by Omar Sy, is currently a hit on Netflix. The series is poised to reach more than 70 million households worldwide, Netflix announced, representing more than one-third of the platform’s 200 million subscribers and the second most watched series on the platform worldwide.
Lupin the second most viewed series worldwide on Netflix
On January 21 Omar Sy tweeted that Lupin has become the second most viewed series in the world on Netflix. It’s only a screening, but with his Lupin, Omar Sy is pulling off a real heist on Netflix. According to figures unveiled by the video-on-demand platform, the number is dizzying: by February 5, 28 days after its release, 70 million households worldwide are expected to have watched the series “Lupin, in the Shadow of Arsene,” according to figures from the Netflix platform, which does not usually release exact viewing figures. But for some programs, it gives indications, orders of magnitude and projections based on the first few weeks of broadcast. A record for a French series.
Produced by Gaumont and composed of ten episodes – only five of which are currently online – the series has been ranked number 1 in a dozen countries including the United States, Vietnam, Argentina, Brazil and Spain.
Omar Sy quickly hailed this success on his Twitter account: “70 million is crazy! So proud that Lupin is the first French Netflix series to achieve such international success! Without you, it would not have been possible, thank you all. “The actor plays Assane Diop, a father of the 2000s fan of Arsène Lupin, who is inspired by the gentleman burglar to avenge his own father, accused of a crime he did not commit.
Lupin success hailed by all
A free adaptation in today’s Paris, on which Netflix has relied heavily by choosing Omar Sy for his international stature, while investing nearly two million euros per episode, according to Les Echos. Despite its flaws, the series is attracting audiences on every continent, as it is in pole position in a dozen countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Vietnam and even the United States – Sharon Stone even split a message on Twitter in support of the series: “Lupin, a great new project by Omar Sy on Netflix! »
If the public success was very fast, the foreign press did not fail to greet the series either. The Canadian daily The Globe and Mail wrote of “a wonderful mix” and the Chicago Tribune wrote of “(Omar) Sy’s James Bond elegance with a subtle charisma that catches your eye”.
To understand the magnitude of the phenomenon, Netflix now has 200 million subscribers, which means that more than a third of households have connected to Lupin in the last few days. However, these figures should be put into perspective, since two minutes of viewing an episode is enough to be counted as a viewer in the final ranking… The next step will be to cross-reference the data to see whether the majority of households have stayed tuned in to the ten episodes that have been boxed to date.
Another consequence of this sudden craze: the adventures of Omar Sy boost sales of Maurice Leblanc’s work, his famous detective stories about Arsène Lupin, a gentleman burglar, published at the beginning of the 20th century. In 15 days, all the copies published in Livre de Poche sold over the year were gone. Editions Hachette therefore launched several reprints to keep pace with this trend, with more than 60,000 copies released in January. In France, as a sign of the scale of the phenomenon, the books by Maurice Leblanc, on which the series is based, top the sales charts on the website. Even Belgium and Quebec are asking for more.