
Stylism: With his brand “Wazal” the creator Ayissi Nga Joseph-Marie glorifies Africa.

by Afrikaleaks La Rédaction
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Wazal is the brand of clothes Streets chic of the young creator AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie alias JJ DU STYLE of Franco-Cameroonian nationality.

Wazal l’héritage

Being himself the son of a couturier and following the footsteps of Cameroonian fashion pioneers such as Imane AYISSI or Martial TAPOLO, he created “WAZAL” his clothing line in 2005. In 2006, he launches his first models which are worn by some celebrities such as: SINGUILA, ALPECO, WAYNE BECKFORD, ROMARIC KOFFI and LALCKO.

Models of the brand WAZAL
Its brand ” WAZAL ” is an assembly of WAZA, name of a natural park in Cameroon and the letter L of Lion, animal symbol of this country. The natural park inspires respect and the lion the power.
WAZAL COUTURE expresses a fashion sport universe in a permanent search for materials, styles and creativity. In color blends such as black, orange, blue, ecru and various prints, he adds touches of materials such as pure cotton, fleece, jeans, wax, milano, leather and synthetic fur in various patterns.

Wazal, the atypical fruit of an academic background

He trained in fashion at the VANESSA RUIZ school in Paris and specializes in the creation of tuxedo jackets. The first one was thus created in 2013 under the declination “Braguette Tété”.
In 2013, he was one of the guests of the Cameroonian ambassador in Paris for the exhibition of the Cameroonian Youth Festival and then at the Fashion Night at the Elysée Lounge in Paris where he presented his three concepts: WazalRock, Braguette Tété and Africafutur.

These concepts are based on criteria that have from the beginning symbolized his career: Audacity, Respect and Creation.
The Wazal cups are futuristic and modern, following the latest trends of today.

Ayissi Nga joseph Marie has been nominated for the 2016 beffta awards in London. He is the author of a comic book (in progress).

With the collaboration of NGA Joseph-Marie


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