
Create your free account to benefit from exclusive services:

  • Manage your newsletter subscriptions
  • Archive your favorite articles
  • Manage your personal information
  • For subscribers, comment on articles
  • and manage your subscription

Creating an account on Afrikaleaks is quite simple and fast. To do so, you just have to click on “Sign in” at the top right of the home page, then on “create your account”. You will then have to fill in your e-mail address and a password. You will then receive an activation e-mail. As long as you have not clicked on the confirmation link in this e-mail, your account will not be activated and you will not have access to your space on the site and associated services.


  • Click on “Login” at the top right, then on the link “Forgot your password? ».
  • You will then receive an e-mail allowing you to modify it.

Connect to your account with your usual identifiers, then in “My details”, click on “My nickname”. You will then be able to modify your nickname.

You must be a subscriber, have entered your username and be connected to your account to submit a comment. Once on the article, go to the bottom of the page and click on the “Add a comment” button. 

All you have to do is send us a request by email. We would be grateful if you could specify the reasons why you would like to delete your account in order to help us improve our services.


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